


DALI適用於照明控制領域的工程設計師,工業場面和商業建築照明設計。數碼可定位照明控制系統,由技術標準IEC 62386IEC 60929指定。標準一致性確保來自不同製造商的設備將互相配合應用於不同場景。



  • 0-10V系統相比,設計功能更適合於建築和商業照明,可以對單個單元(單獨尋址)或組(搜尋組區域地址)進行燈光控制系統。 
  • 隨時調節或轉變所有場景單元,系統也可同時處理一個或多個燈光場景設定。
  • 所有照明場景的自動同步調光,適合於大型建築照明,商業照明,立體照明,戶外照明應用。

數碼可定位照明控制系統(DALI)設定 - 傳統上僅限於建築照明,商業照明,立體照明,園景照明 - 實現高節能(包括鎮流器燈效率的30-60%)以及更多的靈活性,維護和好處。

數碼可定位照明控制系統(DALI System 案例:


Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI)

Lighting Control and Energy Management Solutions, Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI) is a trademark for network-based systems that control lighting in building automation.

Within each DALI network ballasts may be assigned up to 16 groups and scenes wide range of architectural lighting design, commercial lighting design and LED stage light collections.

The DALI Standard comprising engineers, industrial and commercial buildings in the field of digital luminaries control. Digital Addressable Lighting Interface specified by technical standards IEC 62386 and IEC 60929. Standards conformance ensures that equipment from different manufacturers will interoperate. 

Hong Kong is one of the most expensive places in the world to construct buildings, most of adopting for the Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI) lighting system.

What is the advantage for Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI) solutions?

  • Lower system cost and more functions compared to 0–10V-systems
  • Control of individual units (individual addressing) or groups (group addressing) is possible for architectural and commercial lighting.
  • A simultaneous control of all units is possible at any time, provided for a system with more than single or more system at the same time.   
  • Automatic and simultaneous dimming of all lighting scene, applications for architectural lighting, commercial lighting, facade lighting, landscape lighting.

Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI system) -- which was traditionally restricted to architectural lighting, commercial lighting, facade lighting, landscape lighting -- achieve high-energy savings (30-60% including ballast-lamp efficiency) as well as more flexibility, maintenance and benefits.



LED是最好的光源。其中包括LED中的一些半導體材料。 但當交叉點溫度超過185華氏度時,LED會立即損耗。適當規劃的LED電路需要兩個重要亮點才能有效:解決過熱保險和​​過壓保護方案。 當LED在嚴格控制的電壓下工作時,無論它是否產生一些溫暖。必須以保證交叉溫度不會超過...