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顯示具有 Lighting Consultants 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章



如今,大多數公共區域都包括餐廳,博物館,美術館,圖書館和會議室。會選擇安裝流動式軌道照明燈具,請牢記以下幾點並輕鬆進行工作。首先,最重要的一點是電壓測試儀並要確保電氣系統已關閉;其次,為了您的安全,如果要在高天花板的位置高空工作,請使用工作平台及配帶安全帶。當然, 第一件事要做的是關閉任何的電氣電路。沿著天花板支架或牆壁支架放在流動式軌道照明燈具在軌道上,並用適當的螺釘將其固定在支撐點上。



Installation of Flexible Track Lighting

Nowadays most of the public areas like restaurants, museums, art galleries, libraries and conference rooms. To installing the flexible LED track light keep the following things in mind and work easily. Firstly, voltage tester is most important certain the electrical system is switched off. Secondly, for your safety please use the working platform and safety belt working at height if you desire to work with high ceiling apartments. Foremost thing to do is switch off the electric circuit for any electric problem. Put on the flexible lighting track along the ceiling mount or wall mount and apply the appropriate screws to support point in the place.

Remember, whenever you're not professional in electrical person, please engage a registered electrical worker who is well knowledgeable for the installation, commissioning, inspection, testing, maintenance, modification or repair of a low-voltage or high-voltage fixed electrical installation, for the supervision and certification of the work and the design of the installation.

To be qualified as a registered electrical worker, an applicant must possess appropriate qualifications, training and experience before making an application to EMSD, HKSAR.

Topco Lighting




當設置工作室進行視頻,燈光事件或照片拍攝時,必須將燈光設置為接近正常光線,以便創造最佳效果。 我們需要融合一些技術技巧。 工作室照明中使用的陰影溫度需要將溫度設置為3200 K至5400K,並通過直接照明產生陰影。


  1. 關鍵光線在特徵中具有重要意義,用於勾畫臉部輪廓並增加物體的深度。
  2. 填充光同樣從正面照射在物體上,但相對於關鍵光和表面的相對側點,如人臉或鼻子的陰影。
  3. 黑色照亮從側面後面的物體,目的是使頭髮或肩部的光線邊緣,從背景輪廓分離成主體。
  4. 背景光應該照亮背景場景。 然而,這個申請人的物體將在黑暗的光線下照明良好。

使用3點/ 4點照明場所進行視頻,燈光事件或照片拍攝,物體將更自然的色彩和光線平衡,您的客戶將滿意的結果。


Basic Concepts of Stage Light

When set up the studio for video, lighting event or photo shooting it is imperative to set up the lighting to be as near normal light as conceivable to become create the best outcomes. We need a blend of some technique skill. The shading temperature use in the studio lighting needs to set the temperature of 3200 K to 5400K and shadows produced by direct lighting.

4 points lighting which included Key Light, Fill Light, Back Light and Background Light.





降低能源消耗 - 燈開關為照明電路提供100%的功率,當頻率超過10%時,不會過多,浪費能源。

減少能源浪費 - 一次可以保留數小時,但是可以將照明系統配置為在預定時間後將指定區域的運動傳感器關閉,這意味著可以幫助健忘的人,並在長時間內節省資金術語。





What did you think on lighting energy management?

Lighting control systems are becoming more universal system in the international market. The changed is that there is a greater presence in the commercial and architectural arena for these lighting systems and extend from the basic switching methods with a greater focus on energy saving management. Lighting in the commercial building has some significant challenge. Once it was all about function dimmable lighting system for artificial intelligence to see what they are doing and provide safety task for the project in architectural lighting design, office lighting, industrial lighting, interior design lighting.

Nowadays, functional lighting design is becoming more outstanding and if you are serious in looking for lighting products when you are building up your new project. Thus, lighting consultant is exploited to provide a high quality lighting design that can fulfill the function and feature lighting throughout your ideas. Sustainable energy and eco-friendly environment is also playing a key role with the use of energy fixtures as a mandatory requirement for all new builders and works.

A lighting control system provides the management of lighting throughout commercial building and is designed for simplifying manages.

Reduce energy consumption - light switches provide 100% power to a lighting circuit when more often than 10%, not it is excessive and a waste of energy.

To Reduced energy wastage - This could be left on for hours at a time, but a lighting system can be configured to motion sensor turn off lights in designated areas after a predetermined time, it means can helping forgetful people and saving the money in the long term.

There are different manufacturers of lighting control systems and supplier to decision of which system should be better. Design, hardware, Functional test, programming & support to delivering a trouble free solution.

We have provided these clients with the very best of new function, allowing them to progress into the future as leading businesses. For the sustainable choice, and the smart, new technology choice.

To ensure we can provide the technical support of the product application and service. Find more lighting technical Information about on lighting newsletter.

For further enquiries, please contact us: enquiry@topcolighting.com



1 lx = 1 lm / m2 = 1 cd·sr / m2

- 商業照明,350-500 Lux
- 日光間接直射,10000-25000 lux
- 陽光直射,32000-100000 lux

Hong Kong skyline是亞洲最著名的城市,維多利亞港分為兩個城市,香港是一座摩天大樓,但晚上卻不一樣,情景更加壯觀,只能捕捉到一個在晚上被誘惑,唯一的區別就是照明。您可以體驗和感受專業的建築照明設計,商業照明設計,LED舞台燈和照明控制系統藏在最城市的周邊。







Why we need Hiring a Lighting Designer/ Lighting Consultants

Have you ever evaluated to consider lighting Lumens of a difference the landscape and indoor Lux level?

One lux is equal to one lumen per square metre:
1 lx = 1 lm/m2 = 1 cd·sr/m2.

For example:
-Office lighting, 350-500 lux
-Full indirect daylight, 10000-25000 lux
- Direct sunlight, 32000-100000 lux

Hong Kong skyline of most any famous city in Asia, With the Victoria Harbour splitting the city in two, Hong Kong is a forest of skyscrapers, but they're different at night, they are even more spectacular and they capture a mood that can only be evoked at night and the only difference is the lighting. You can experience and feeling for professional architectural lighting design, commercial lighting design, LED stage light and lighting control system collections in the most urban surrounding.

It was apparently coming to life at night in a way that sunlight cannot capture.
If you've ever stopped to delight a well-lit home at night or have had the privilege o enjoy the circumstance of a skillfully designed outdoor lighting system at a dining hall or hotel then you know first hand what effect it can have as our circumstance. Obviously there are many reasons why adding an outdoor lighting system to your property after your landscaping is established makes a lot of significance. It's never too late to light up your house and landscaping.

If you want to fully experience the benefits of a well lit home, I would suggest that it's best to hire a professional or consultant. But, how to define a professional lighting designer and consultants? Beside this you can find a good consultant will get that proposes to provide for you.

An awesome lighting designer and consultants should have plenitude of referrals for you to review. These referrals can be customers you can call that can personally to their experience with the custom-make the lighting products in your project as well as professional skills. It should understand that each project case for the lighting requirements was unique. A capable lighting designer and consultants will be familiar with a large estimate of the products and fixtures on the market, all of these fixtures become tools in their arsenal to create the perfect design is uses a good way to identify quality work. It simply has been the individual engineer’s team, lighting systems, site experience and offer the best LED lighting services, maintenance support to clients.

It's important to do your research to evaluate an awesome lighting designer and consultants. Keeping these things in mind as you search for a qualified lighting designer and consultants to provide the best of the lighting system.

To ensure we can provide the technical support of the product application and service. Find more lighting technical Information about on lighting newsletter.



LED是最好的光源。其中包括LED中的一些半導體材料。 但當交叉點溫度超過185華氏度時,LED會立即損耗。適當規劃的LED電路需要兩個重要亮點才能有效:解決過熱保險和​​過壓保護方案。 當LED在嚴格控制的電壓下工作時,無論它是否產生一些溫暖。必須以保證交叉溫度不會超過...