


我們的產品 www.topcolighting.com,在那裡你會發現LED照明產品、會所系統、音響系統、燈光控制軟件等等……並提供專業的項目建議。


How to demonstrate DMX Lighting Software For Bars, Clubs and Lounges

DMX controller from a portable PC or a control board. The free DMX lighting programming regularly joins the buy of the DMX controller or lighting expert.

Most regularly the international band controls the lighting framework notwithstanding the music, and there might be a plausibility that the international band may not know about or totally used to the controlling choices and programming operation, and along these lines the free DMX lighting programming accompanies numerous pre-set and pre-outlined projects, that the international band or the administrator can put on while he or she keeps endeavoring to comprehend the product, or wishes to focus on the melodies and so forth.

For some great offers on LED downlight, LED light tubes, LED stage light, led underground light, LED urban light and lighting control framework accumulations. Let’s take a look into our product line at www.topcolighting.com  where you will find LED lighting, club furniture, sound systems, light control software and information how to build your project proposal.

DMX 512 software:



LED是最好的光源。其中包括LED中的一些半導體材料。 但當交叉點溫度超過185華氏度時,LED會立即損耗。適當規劃的LED電路需要兩個重要亮點才能有效:解決過熱保險和​​過壓保護方案。 當LED在嚴格控制的電壓下工作時,無論它是否產生一些溫暖。必須以保證交叉溫度不會超過...